pq scan
API for .NET EAN-8 Reading
In this part, you will see nine bar code reading APIs for EAN-8 recognition for .NET windows and web applications. Firstly, you are supposed to use the one group of three APIs to define EAN-8 as desired barcode type that will be scanned and decoded from your image source. And our .NET Barcode Scanner DLL will only read and output this barcode information. Then, you can also try the second group APIs to scan the whole image and recognize all barcodes that it detects on loaded image source, in addition to EAN-8. Moreover, to improve EAN-8 barcode recognition accuracy, we provide another three APIs for one barcode recognition. It is suitable when there's only one EAN-8 barcode on your image.
The following APIs compiled in pqScan.BarcodeScanner.dll can help you implement .NET EAN-8 barcode scanning from three forms of image, including bitmap, stream, and string. For PDF EAN-8 barcode recognition, please see online tutorial: How to Read Barcode from PDF in .NET, VB.NET.
API for Defining EAN-8 Scanning
public static BarcodeResult[] Scan(Bitmap bitmap, BarCodeType barType);
public static BarcodeResult[] Scan(Stream stream, BarCodeType barType);
public static BarcodeResult[] Scan(string filename, BarCodeType barType);
API for All Barcode Types Scanning
public static BarcodeResult[] Scan(Bitmap bitmap);
public static BarcodeResult[] Scan(Stream stream);
public static BarcodeResult[] Scan(string filename);
API for One Barcode Recognition
public static BarcodeResult ScanSingle(Bitmap bitmap);
public static BarcodeResult ScanSingle(Stream stream);
public static BarcodeResult ScanSingle(string filename);
Do you need Visual C# and Visual Basic sample codes for reading EAN-8 barcode? If so, you may directly click to see detailed samples. Also, we provide C# and VB.NET online tutorials for linear and 2d bar codes reading. You may see here, C# Demo for Barcode Reading and VB.NET Demo for Barcode Reading.