pq scan
Hi, Matt.
Maybe it's a good news to you. The pqScan .net barcode reader can scan and recognize all the barcode in images, no matter where the barcodes locating. It means you can decode all your barcode images using our .net barcode reading SDK, it can read any barcode in the picture with any position, such as top, right, bottom, left, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, and center. For example, EAN/UPC barcodes always appeared at the bottom of the goods description in supermarket, and PDF417 usually located at the top left or top right of personal records.
Reading the barcodes with unfixedposition in image is so simple and easy to do by our reader control. Here we provide a sample tutorial to do it for you, just copy the example C# code to the Page_Load event(or your any other method for barcode reading in the aspx.cs).
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.FromFile("barcode-image.jpeg");
BarcodeResult[] results = BarCodeScanner.Scan(bmp);
foreach (BarcodeResult result in results)
Console.WriteLine("Barcode data : ");
Hope the C# code can be helpful. Besides using our barcode reader in web projects, you can also decode barcodes in Window Forms application with same library.
---- pqScan Support Team